
All courses are given on Monday evenings at the Nobel, by the windmill close to Leiden Central Station. de Nobel.

The kick-start course.

This consists of 3 lessons and a final tournament.
In this course you will learn:

  • how the game of bridge works,
  • how the bidding works,
  • how the playing and counterplaying works.

The main goal of the kick-start course is to give the participants three enjoyable evenings in which you can discover whether you like to play bridge. Each evening starts with a short explanation and then an hour or two of playing. You will receive course material by email after each explanation. In it you can read everything and do some self-tests. This takes about half an hour a week.
De eerstvolgende cursus start in september, register now!

Je kunt je voor de kickstartcursus ook als groep aanmelden. Je moet dan wel met minimaal 8 en maximaal 16 zijn. Inschrijven kan here.

Kicking Together

If you discover in the kick-start course that bridge is great fun and challenging, then 'Kicking Together' a great follow up.

An essential characteristic of bridge is that it is a mind sport in which you play together with a partner. In 'kicking Together' you play a competition at bridge club PAS with an experienced bridge player. If your pace of play is fast enough and if you've already found a bridge partner in the kick-start course, that's fine too.

As a participant you will receive a free annual subscription to the Bid72 Daarmee kun je samen met je partner en met ervaren spelers van Studentenbridge Leiden het bieden oefenen. De experts geven je in de chat van de app feedback waardoor je snel beter gaat bieden.

Bridge Competition

After the course 'Kicking Together' you are able to play at a club. In Leiden, the PAS bridge club bridgeclub PAS is the most obvious choice. PAS originated 35 years ago within the student association Augustinus. Now both former students and students play at the club.

PAS plays on Monday evenings in the pop stage de Nobel. PAS offers students of Studentenbridge Leiden a free membership for the first year. de Nobel. PAS biedt cursisten van Studentenbridge Leiden het eerste jaar een gratis lidmaatschap aan.

The course consists of half an hour of lessons and then playing along at the PAS club night. Classes are from 7-7.30 pm, followed by club evenings from 7.45-11 pm. At least the card part: continuing play together with a drink is a not unusual ending to the evening for a number of members.

Normally this Kicking Together course runs throughout the year and consists of short lessons in which a different aspect of the game is discussed each time. The lessons can be taken separately. So if you are not able to attend or if you already know the lesson material, you can skip a lesson without a problem.

Those who are really interested in competition bridge can qualify for the Dutch team for young people under 26. You can read what Leiden students have achieved in recent years on the site about our young Leiden top players.. Zo wist Sibrand van Oosten – na in oktober 2022 het open WK voor paren te hebben and finishing second in the Teams – became junior world champion with the Dutch team in August 2023. Thibo Sprinkhuizen and Xavier Friesen have also had great results at European and World Championships in recent years.